Business intelligence audit: the necessary step for an effective site

At Leonard, our approach to web auditing goes beyond traditional SEO analysis. We prefer to call it a web business intelligence audit, because we take into account the entire ecosystem in which your site exists.

We carry out an in-depth internal analysis of your resources, as well as an external analysis of the ecosystem. The benefit of this holistic approach lies in our ability to understand how your organization operates, and what factors make it competitive with other companies in the same sector.

This audit provides us with a precise vision enabling us to identify relevant strategic axes for sustainable online positioning, capitalizing on your unique internal strengths to seize external opportunities.

Because every case is different, we tailor our audit to your specific objectives and the reality of your market.

You need an online business intelligence audit, if:

  • You plan on redesigning your website
  • Your website does not perform up to par
  • You do not think your website can generate more concrete results

Tell us about your challenges

Our approach to business intelligence audit

In-depth analysis

Using a variety of tools, we analyze your website and your entire online presence, in an attempt to answer these and other questions:

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of your website?
  • Which keywords does your site rank for, and which queries generate traffic for you?
  • Are there any technical or ergonomic problems preventing your website from performing?
  • Are your content, text, and images optimized for SEO and relevant to your personas?
  • Does your site have a sufficient number of high-quality backlinks?
  • Are your website users experiencing recurring irritants?

In other words, we identify all your website’s opportunities and threats from a technical, ergonomic, and SEO point of view.

Market analysis

We perform introspection along with your web competitors’ analysis. These are not exactly the ones that you usually define as your competitors, but all sites that can position themselves on the same requests as you: direct and indirect competitors, blogs, distributors sites, and partner sites.

For each of these sites, we carefully analyze keywords, marketing and content strategies, backlinks, information architecture, and ergonomics. This analysis allows us to draw a complete picture of your competition on the Web.


A web ecosystem is not only defined by a website and those of the competitors but also by all the sites on which your persona can go to ask questions, give his opinion, compare, or just search for information. At all times during our audit, we focus on your audience.

This allows us to ensure that the suggested content responds to recurring questions about the persona purchase cycle, but also that we have taken into account all the queries they can make to obtain information. It also allows us to identify valuable opportunities for publishing content, acquiring referral links, influencers’ strategies, or partnerships.


We conclude our audit by presenting it to you in the form of a report including our recommendations. We design this report to be educational and understandable to all members of your team. We include a complete list of keywords of interest, sorted and prioritized, a list of referenced link opportunities, a campaign plan, content and social marketing strategies, and an action plan. And since every customer is different, every audit is different as well. We make sure you get the intelligence you need to perform on the web.

Why choose Leonard for your web audit?

The intelligence

We are committed to providing you with information and statistics that will help you grow your business on the web. We will identify high-volume keywords that are not used by competitors and the opportunity to design new content and target new market segments, territorities and strategic partnerships. We do not let any opportunity pass us by

The results

Our case studies, our customers’ satisfaction, and the statistics are formal: it works! When it precedes a website’s redesign, our audit ensures a rapid increase in organic traffic and conversions; and when it aims to optimize an existing site, it clearly makes the difference.

The unique expertise

You will not find a comparable product anywhere else. Our methodology is unique. We have developed it over the years and are constantly improving it.

Want to go further with what you've got?

Schedule a business intelligence audit